Dena Bank Clerical Cadre Recruitment 2010
Clerical CadreNo.of Total Vacancies : 250
Pay Scale : 7200-400/3-8400 – 500/3 -9900 -600/4- 12300 – 700/7- 17200 – 1300/1 – 18500 – 800/1 – 19300
Age : As on 01.12.2010 18 to 28
Important Dates :Opening date for On-line Registration of application : 07.12.2010
Last date for on-line Registration of application : 03.01.2011
Date of Written Examination : 06.03.2011
Qualification :Pass with 60% marks in 10+2 examination or its equivalent ( for SC/ST pass class)
A degree in any discipline from a recognized University.
Application Fee Including Postal Charges (Non-Refundable)
a) For SC/ST/PWD – 0/-(Only Postal Charges)
b) For all others (including OBC/Ex-Servicemen) – 300/-
NOTE:I. Requisite application fee must be paid by way of “Fees Payment Challan “by visiting nearest Dena Bank’s Branch or by way of ” NEFT” by visiting any Scheduled Commercial Bank.
II. Fees must be paid through Payment Challan / NEFT on or after.07.12.2010 but on or before. 03.01.2011 i.e. the last date of On-line registration Even if the Bank extends the date of On-line registration by one or two days, the valid dates of Fee Pay Challan/ NEFT Receipt will not be changed. Candidates must write his/her name, Contact Number (Mobile/Phone number) , address and post applied for on the reverse of the Fees Payment Challan /NEFT Receipt
III. Application fees by Demand Draft/Pay Order/cash/cheque/money order/postal stamps will NOT be accepted.
How to Apply :i. Candidates are required to apply on-line through website No other means/mode of application will be accepted. Application link on website will remain open from 07.12.2010 to 03.01.2011.
ii. The candidates should have a valid email ID. It should be kept active during the currency of this recruitment project. Bank may send call letters for written test, interview etc through the registered email ID. Under no circumstances, he/she should share/mention email ID to/of any other person.
iii. In case a candidate does not have a valid personal e-mail ID, he/she should create his/her new e-mail ID before applying on-line. The guideline for on-line application is given as under for candidates who wish to pay the requisite fees by means of “PAYMENT CHALLAN” (where nearest Dena Bank Branch is available):
I. Applicants are first required to go to the Bank’s website and click on the Home page open the link Recruitment.
II. Thereafter, open the recruitment Notification entitled “Dena Bank Recruitment Project for Clerical Cadre- 2010-11”
III. Take a Print of the entire ‘ FEES PAYMENT CHALLAN’
IV. Fill in the Fee Payment Challan in a clear and legible handwriting in BLOCK LETTERS.
V. Go to the nearest DENA BANK BRANCH with the Fee Payment Challan and pay in cash the appropriate application Fee in CBS Account no. 116211021105 with Corporate Business Branch, BKC, Mumbai-51 in the name & style of ” Dena Bank Recruitment Project for Clerical Cadre 2010-11 ”
VI. Obtain the applicant’s Copy of Counterfoil of the Application Fee Payment Challan duly receipted by the Bank with (a) Branch Name & Branch SOL ID (b) Transaction ID (c) date of Deposit & amount filled by the Branch Official.
VII. Candidates are now ready to apply on-line by re-visiting the Recruitment link appropriate places. Fill in all other required details therein and click on the “SUBMIT” button at the end of the ON-Line Application form. Retain your Registration number and password for further reference safely. After applying on-line, the registered candidates must retain the print out of application form for further reference.
VIII. Original counterfoil of the fee payment challan will have to be submitted with call letter at the time of written test. Without counterfoil of the fee payment challan the candidate will not be allowed to appear in the written test. Candidates are advised to keep a photocopy of the fee payment challan for future use.
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