Kidney Cancer Awareness

The James Whale Fund for Kidney Cancer, with support from Kidney Cancer UK, today announces new research that shows a shockingly low awareness and understanding of kidney cancer amongst the Great British general public. The YouGov survey of 2,145 GB adults shows that kidney cancer is the least heard about form of the disease, with only 2% of GB adults having heard much about it when compared to a range of other cancers. Interestingly, over half of GB adults claim to have heard most about cervical cancer and 42% for leukaemia, even though there are fewer cases of these diseases than kidney cancer each year. According to the survey, only half of GB adults have ever even heard of the term kidney cancer.

Often, kidney cancers are found incidentally, meaning that the cancer is found during medical tests for some other illness such as gallbladder disease.1 However, because the symptoms of kidney cancer can often be mistaken for signs of other diseases or ailments, the disease often goes undiagnosed or misdiagnosed until it has metastasized. The first course of treatment for kidney cancer is usually an operation to remove the primary tumor and the diseased kidney.2 Other commonly used treatments include immunotherapy, radiation, and chemotherapy.

The exact cause of kidney cancer is unknown; however, early detection can help to offset the spread of cancer; and recent advances in diagnosis and surgical procedures such as radiation and chemotherapy allow even more patients to live with the disease while maintaining their normal lifestyles and the objective of World Kidney Day and Kidney Cancer Awareness Month is to raise awareness and to encourage regular screenings of all patients with diabetes and hypertension for chronic kidney disease. If detected early, chronic kidney disease can be treated;

In adults, the most common type of kidney cancer is renal cell carcinoma. Other less common types of kidney cancer can occur. Transitional cell carcinoma, which affects the ureters, can also begin in the kidneys. Children are more likely to develop a kind of kidney cancer called Wilms’ tumor.The incidence of kidney cancer seems to be increasing, though it isn’t clear why. Many kidney cancers are detected during procedures for other diseases or conditions. Imaging techniques such as computerized tomography are being used more often, which may lead to the discovery of more kidney cancers.

Ayurvedic Or Herbal Green Tea For Prevention Of Cancer

Patients who present with cancer have three basic options for treatment. The first and the most conventional treatments utilize chemotherapy, surgery and radiation. Second are a wide range of alternative therapies, and third is a combined approach. There are benefits and challenges regardless of which decision is made.The primary treatments for lung cancer include chemotherapy, surgery and radiation therapy. In addition to these standard remedies for cancer, ayurvedic medicine is taken as supplements to help control the cancer and prevent the spread of cancer to other body parts. Ayurvedic herbs are known to have the capability to destroy the cancerous cells and kindle the healing process. Use of ayurvedic medicines will help control the tumor and improve the quality of life. However it is not replacement for treatment by an oncologist and his team.

Conventional treatments for cancer have varying success rates. For some cancers, when caught early, conventional therapies do have a high success rate. Success decreases as the cancer progresses. For some cancers, such as pancreatic cancer, there is little conventional medicine can do to effect a cure even if it is caught early. Conventional medicine, backed by extensive scientific studies, offers the patient the opportunity to know what they are getting into before treatment begins. Statistics are available for the success and failure of treatment. A list of side effects for each treatment is also available. This information is important to patients who will be making choices that literally affect their own life or death.

The compounds in green tea act through a number of different pathways throughout the body, as yet, not all of these have been isolated. One study, conducted at Britain’s Rochester University, revealed that two chemicals in green tea shut down one of the main molecules that tobacco uses to cause cancer. This could mean that drinking green tea may significantly lower your risk of developing lung cancer, even if you smoke.A study undertaken by Anna H. Wu, of the University of Southern California in Los Angeles, recorded diet and other facets of lifestyle in 501 women with breast cancer, and 594 cancer-free women from the same Los Angeles neighbourhoods. The study revealed, drinking an average of up to 85 millilitres of green tea per day-that’s about 6 tablespoons-appeared to cut a woman’s breast cancer risk by almost 30 percent, compared with women drinking no green tea.

A cell to become a cancerous or not to be depends the genes of cell, which control the cell. In general when two cells touches each other, their growth stops. But in cancerous cell it does not happens. Cancerous cell continuous goes on increasing and form their layers. Accordingly to Ayurveda our body is balanced by vat, pitta and kapha. In Arbuda (Cancer) all these three doshas are vitiated and spoil mans and rakta first, and form round little painful/painless very hard growth. It is called Arbuda/Cancer. Our body undergoes through much metabolic process everyday & produces many toxins in result of that. If these toxins accumulate in our body, they called as ?Sendriya Vishas? & thus become a reason to cause cancer. Because of this in treatment of Cancer, Ayurveda suggest the first clean the body by Panchakarma and then start the medicine for any disease, this method of treatment is very effective in treatment of Cancer. It is taken at proper time.

Recent researches have indicated the effectiveness of the powerful phytochemicals present in green tea. They are believed to prevent Colon Cancer, Pancreatic Cancer, Lung Cancer, breast cancer and skin cancer. Green Tea is also recommended as a nutritional supplement for individuals suffering from Cancer. Apart from being devoid of any sort of negative side-effects, it contains strong anti-cancerous properties. Green Tea has proven benefits that help prevent skin cancer in particular. The Centre for Disease Control in the US has diagnosed skin cancer as the most common form of cancer in the US, and apart from avoiding sun exposure, regular use of sunscreen and regular examinations by dermatologist, consumption of green tea which has antioxidant, antitumour and antibacterial properties is recommended by dermatologist. Also research indicates that Epigallocatechin Gallate, which is a component found in Green Tea, inhibits the DNA damage that occurs due to exposure to ultraviolet rays. Inhibition of the DNA damage is considered vital, as there are number of skin cancer cases that are directly linked to the exposure to ultraviolent rays or due to sun tanning.

Healthy Skin For Healthy Tips

It doesn’t take much more than common sense to realize that what you put into your body is going to have an impact on how your body looks and feels. If you eat foods that are filled with fat, cooked in grease and high on the sugar then your body is going to reflect that in its shape, size and texture. In contrast, if you consume foods that are healthy for you then your body is going to respond by looking and feeling healthier.

Do not attempt to tear or force apart the glue. This could rip your skin.
Apply acetone-based nail-polish remover to the area. The acetone breaks down the bond.If there’s a lot of glue on your skin, soak the skin in nail-polish remover to dissolve the bond.Clean the area with soap and water after removing the glue.If you don’t have nail-polish remover, soak the affected skin in warm, soapy water.Slowly roll the skin to work the bond apart as the warm water soaks through. Continue doing this until the skin is free of glue.

Wash your face twice a day (no more) with warm water and a mild soap made for people with acne. Gently massage your face with circular motions. Don’t scrub. Overwashing and scrubbing can cause skin to become irritated. After cleansing, the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) recommends applying an over-the-counter (no prescription needed) lotion containing benzoyl peroxide. This will decrease oil and bacteria.

Don’t pop pimples. It’s tempting, but here’s why you shouldn’t: Popping pimples can push infected material further into the skin, leading to more swelling and redness, and even scarring. If you notice a pimple coming before a big event, like the prom, a dermatologist can often treat it for you with less risk of scarring or infection.

Avoid touching your face with your fingers or leaning your face on objects that collect sebum and skin residue like your phone. Touching your face can spread the bacteria that cause pores to become inflamed and irritated. To keep bacteria at bay, wash your hands before applying anything to your face, such as treatment creams or makeup.

The number one thing that you can put into your body if you want great-looking skin is water. The more water you drink, the more you flush all of the other stuff out of your body and the healthier your skin is going to look. When you’re not drinking water, you should be drinking green tea. It has many, many different health benefits including benefits for the skin. You can drink it cold or warm. Avoid adding sugar or milk to it if you want the best benefits for your skin.

Heart Attack Preventions

Exercise Every Day:Perform at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity (such as brisk walking) at least five days of the week. More vigorous activity can provide additional benefits, including weight loss if caloric expenditure exceeds caloric intake.

Diet Control: Consume a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, low-fat or nonfat dairy products, fish, legumes, poultry, and lean meats. Saturated fats should make up <7% of total calories. If overweight, reduce caloric intake and increase physical activity to achieve and maintain a desirable body weight (body mass index of 18.5 to 24.9). For those who drink, limit alcohol intake (no more than two drinks a day for men, one drink a day for women).

Lower Cholesterol:Total cholesterol <200 mg/dL; LDL cholesterol <160 mg/dL for people with no more than one risk factor for a heart attack; LDL <130 mg/dL for those with two or more risk factors; LDL <100 mg/dL (with an optional goal of 40 mg/dL for men and HDL >50 mg/dL for women (and preferably >60 mg/dL for both men and women); triglycerides <150 mg/dL. If you cannot reach your LDL goal after three months of lifestyle changes, consider drug therapy to lower your LDL. Exercise, improvements in diet, and quitting smoking can help you meet your HDL goals.

Blood Pressure Control : <140/90 mm Hg (ideal is <120/80 mm Hg); <130/80 mm Hg for people with diabetes or kidney disease. If you cannot reach this goal after three months of lifestyle changes, you may benefit from medication to prevent a heart attack.

Low-Dose Aspirin:Low-Dose Aspirin (81 mg per day) for men ages 45 to 79 whose risk of a heart attack exceeds their risk of gastrointestinal bleeding from aspirin. Not recommended solely to prevent heart attacks in women. However, aspirin can be considered for stroke prevention in women ages 55 to 79 if their risk of a stroke exceeds their risk of gastrointestinal bleeding. Be sure to consult with a physician before starting aspirin therapy.

One of the keys to preventing heart disease is getting risk factors under control, such as high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels. Main prevention tips to follow:

1.Quit smoking
2.Manage stress
3.Control weight
4.Control high blood pressure
5.Control diabetes
7.Improve cholesterol levels
8.Eat a heart-healthy diet

The bottom line for prevention, says Schilling, is to follow a heart-healthy lifestyle.

“Maintain an ideal body weight, and exercise one hour a day, seven days a week,” advises Schilling. As part of a heart healthy diet, she recommends following a balanced diet with approximately 30 percent of calories from monounsaturated fats such as olive oil, canola, fish and nuts and limit saturated fats.

Also limit carbohydrates, sugar or any sugar food including white flour.
Regular Screenings

Screening is also an important way to prevent heart trouble. “The earlier you start screening and treating it, the more disease you can prevent,” said Shilling.

That means getting your blood pressure and cholesterol checked at the appropriate times.

Shilling says adults 25 and older should have their cholesterol screened and should also be screened for diabetes starting in the 20′s. High blood pressure checks should also start in the 20′s.

The Center for Preventive Cardiology evaluates patients not only for the presence of heart disease, but also for all cardiovascular diseases.

“Our goals are to evaluate for all areas that someone could possibly have a blockage,” said Schilling. “We do screening for the total body risk– not just the heart, but for all cardiovascular diseases, including blockages and clotting of the heart, legs, and kidneys. When we see patients for cardiac disease we want to look at the whole body, look at the entire scope of the vascular system.”

This would include screenings of the carotid arteries, coronary arteries, testing for PAD/PVD, and renal artery stenosis.

The Center will offer non-invasive methods of detecting hardening of the arteries, biochemical tests, and other state-of-the-art tests.

“We are going to be among the first in the country to offer a genetic screening in combination with non-invasive tests to try to identify individuals who may be at increased risk for early coronary disease,” said Miller. In addition, patients will also have the opportunity to enroll in some of the Maryland Heart Center’s new clinical trials.

After screening patients, Heart Center physicians and staff work specifically on modifying the risk factors in order to prevent the onset or progression of cardiovascular disease.

“We are offering an extremely aggressive risk factor modification program with intensive follow up,” said Shilling. “We make sure you get to goal, whether it’s with lifestyle modification, medications as appropriate, exercise therapies or diet.”

People with diabetes have a greater chance of developing heart disease than those who don’t have diabetes. Diabetes can affect the vessels that supply blood to the heart. Working with your doctor to develop a plan to control your diabetes is the first step in safeguarding your heart.

Many of the lifestyle changes suggested for keeping your heart healthy (such as a good diet and regular exercise) are important in controlling diabetes. Sometimes medication is needed. Ask your doctor.

Active people have fewer heart attacks and have a better chance of recovery than inactive people. They also feel good, are less tired, more relaxed and are better able to cope with stress. You can do more with less effort, have better heart function and possibly lower blood pressure. Regular activity helps control weight and lower blood cholesterol levels.

Aim to accumulate 30 minutes of physical activity most days of the week. You don’t have to join a gym or pound the pavements all day long. Regular brisk walking for half an hour can do the job just as well. Find a variety of activities you enjoy. Look for opportunities to put activity in your day. Every bit helps. Two or 3 sessions that add up to half an hour are OK if you can’t do it all at once.

While some have to fight the battle of the bulge for mere shallow reasons, there are those who do all the dieting and exercising to reduce their cholesterol levels just to stay alive. And while cholesterol is an important component of the membranes of cells, playing an important part in maintaining brain synapses as well as in the immune system, it is also the largest cause of heart attack and stroke.

While it is great that most people who are suffering from high levels of cholesterol go to their dieticians to have their daily eating habits tweaked by following a strict meal plan in order to help them lower their cholesterol levels (hopefully back to normal levels), some people have really gone overboard, but if you feel compelled to lower your cholestorol, consult with your doctor, most doctors are fine with prescribing cholesterol reducing drugs.

When coupled with a healthy diet and regular exercise, the drugs can make quite a difference in your cholesterol levels, at least enough that your levels can be considered safe.

India Cricket Capton MS Dhoni and His Wife Sakshi in Goa Beach

Indian cricket captain M S Dhoni married sweethert Sakshi Rawat in July and the couple seems to be having a good time since then. Yet, fans of Dhoni are still looking out for the couple’s honeymoon pictures.

In these photos, Dhoni and Sakhi share a rare moment, frolicking in the beach at Goa on

Jhootha Hi Sahi Movie Review

Every film should be judged purely on the basis of its merits/demerits. Comparisons or drawing parallels with another film, even if it’s helmed by the same director, is not right, in my opinion. But if the posters/billboards/newspaper ads/promotional material of JHOOTHA HI SAHI has an eye-catching line that screams ‘From the director of JAANE TU YA JAANE NA’, if not comparisons, the expectations from JHOOTHA HI SAHI do multiply five-fold, since JAANE TU YA JAANE NA was, in terms of economics, the biggest hit of 2008.

Sadly, Abbas Tyrewala’s new offering JHOOTHA HI SAHI falls flat for this reason [it doesn't meet the expectations] as well as several other reasons. What comes across is unexciting, boring and lethargic. Moments make a love story work and JHOOTHA HI SAHI never reaches there. It lacks the fizz and heart, to put it bluntly. Also, the chemistry between the lead pair – John Abraham and Pakhi – is plastic.

Another department where the film fumbles, besides writing, is its music. It’s an unspoken rule that love stories should be embellished with terrific music, but maestro A.R. Rahman’s compositions in JHOOTHA HI SAHI are lifeless.

Final word? Thumbs down!

When Siddharth [John Abraham] wakes up one night to a call from a desperate man threatening to jump out of the window, he isn’t prepared for what lies ahead. A mixed-up phone number. A desi suicide helpline in London. And various callers demanding that Sid give them a reason to live. Or else… Until one fateful night, Mishka [Pakhi] calls. And they both discover an unlikely bond.

Sid becomes her nameless friend. Her faceless philosopher. And she becomes his reason to rethink about life. Along the way, he also lies to her. Lies about his exciting adventures and daring escapades. The mountains he has climbed and the sharks he has tamed. Until the day they accidentally meet. And Sid falls in love.

How can he tell her the truth? That he’s just a simple bookseller? With four friends, a small apartment and a girlfriend whom no one likes and he doesn’t love.

The first and foremost thing that you expect from a film is an engrossing story and of course, a cohesive screenplay that keeps your attention alive for the next two hours. But the screenplay [Pakhi] is devoid of moments that bring a smile on your face at the end of the screening. Ideally, one would expect the focus to be on the principal pair, but the sub-plots [the friends and their sequences] dominate a good chunk of the film. And that, consequently, makes the film verbose, talk-heavy, tedious and verrry lengthy.

On retrospection, the female protagonist [Pakhi] comes across as a confused character, who finds stability in her life when John stages an entry, but goes back to her ex [Madhavan] for no particular reason. And the moment she does that, she drops John like a hot potato. That’s not all, she, all of a sudden, dumps her ex too and goes back to John. Thanks to this reason, the character comes across as someone who’s stone-hearted, cold and confused and that’s also the reason why you don’t jump with joy when the lovers unite towards the end.

Also, like I pointed out earlier, the multiple tracks in the film are a deterrent. The track of the gay couple is silly and unimaginative, while the relationship between the aggressive and dominating pregnant sister and her Japanese fiance is weird. Also, if the sensibilities of the film are Western and the humour British, the ending becomes Bollywoodish conveniently. The entire sequence at the bridge looks so filmy.

Director Abbas Tyrewala has filmed a number of sequences impeccably, but the writing is flaccid and the prime reason why the film fails to register an impact. Rahman’s music is of the fast-forward variety and that’s all the more surprising since the duo [Rahman and Tyrewala] had come up with a winning score in JAANE TU YA JAANE NA.

John makes a sincere attempt to look the part, but he’s awkward, especially in sequences when he stammers. Pakhi is a complete miscast. She looks too matured and has her limitations as an actor. Amongst the sundry characters, Raghu Ram is noticeable. R. Madhavan should avoid such flimsy characters.

On the whole, JHOOTHA HI SAHI is an absolute letdown in terms of content. Given its high costs on one hand and weak merits on the other, the film will make a big hole in the pockets of its investors.

Hiss Movie Review

Genre: Horror, Thriller
Director: Jennifer Lynch
Producer: Vikram Singh, Govind Menon, William Sees Keenan
Banner: Split Image Pictures Pvt. Ltd.
Music Director: Anu Malik, David Kushner, Panjabi MC, Alexander Von Bubenheim, Craig Nobles, Julian Lennon
Star Cast: Irrfan Khan, Mallika Sherawat, Divya Dutta, Jeff Douchette
Release Date: 22 October 2010

From kissing to hissing (pun intended!), Bollywood to Hollywood, Mallika Sheravat has done it all. Yet she still craves for a ‘realistically’ hit movie to her credit. Venturing

into the box office with a Hollywood movie based on Indian nag-nagin folklore, Mallika Sheravat this time too fails to make it up and high at the box office, inadvertently falling or in fact, grounding herself and the movie to the shackles of the ‘flop films of 2010’ category. Directed by Jennifer Lynch, the film is a complete let down in all the departments, except the special effects, which prove to be the only saving grace for the movie.

Taking into consideration the fact that it is the first nagin movie of this century and also the wide gap of 24 years since the last nagin movie (Sridevi’s ‘Nagina’) was released, expectations from ‘Hisss’ were high. But we sadly have to say that, we wisssh we could misss ‘Hisss’. After all, who would want to watch Mallika Sherawat make love to a snake? C’mon, we aren’t fools to get into that sort of masala! Just as weird as it might sound, the scene is eerie, grotesque and categorically bizarre. Also, as you watch the movie, you are sure to get confused as to whether she is a cobra or a python because though being a cobra, she swallows her enemy like a python.

In the movie, we have Mallika who is an icchadhari nagin. She changes into a woman to look for her partner, who has been kidnapped by George, a foreigner from America. He is dying of cancer and believes that he can be saved by the nagmani that the nagin possesses. This was the main reason as to why he entered the heart of the forbidden forest, wherein he captured the love of our very own icchadhari nagin, while the cobra was mating. Mallika en-route to America, with a mission to take revenge, saves oppressed women by viciously killing their tormenters. One thing worth mentioning, this nagin is surely fashion conscious, what with her changing into a perfect lady, adorned with make up, look every time she becomes one!

Slimy, slithery and outrageously goey, ‘Hisss’ has nothing going for it and does not for even once, get off the ground. Though the special effects are good per say, the overall story and screenplay is awfully dreadful and appalling. After all, how many of you would like to believe that all we need is a nagin to save us from all our troubles? Such is the creepiness in the movie that it wouldn’t be wrong to say that RGV’s ‘Phoonk’ (both the parts) or Rajeev Virani’s ‘Help’ were better. While the jinx of flop films carries on for Mallika, undisturbed and uninterrupted, the question is what attracted the talented Irrfan Khan into the film? It surely mustn’t be the international connection or was it?

Hisss Pre-release Review
Good news for Bollywood bombshell Mallika Sherawat fans! She is back after a two-year gap with ‘Hisss’, portraying the role of a snake woman looking out for vengeance. The movie is an independent co-production between Hollywood and Bollywood. Directed by Jennifer Lynch, ‘Hisss’ has been produced by Vikram Singh, Govind Menon, and William Sees Keenan, under the banner Split Image Pictures Pvt. Ltd. Presented by Venus Records & Tapes, the film stars Irrfan Khan, Divya Dutta and American actor Jeff Douchette in crucial roles. The music has been composed by various music maestros. Shot simultaneously in English and Hindi, ‘Hisss’ is set to release on 22 October, 2010.

Hisss revolves around a snake woman Nagin (Mallika Sherawat) who is out for revenge as her mate has been captured by an American hunter. Centuries back, the Indus Valley inhabitants sculpted the images of snakes that changed into human-appearing figures. They were believed to inhabit a mysterious temple deep in the jungles, far off in the spice forests of the Malabar Coast. An ancestor traveled into the end of the forests and found a strange and mystifying Snake Goddess living with her mate. This story spread around being recounted by forefathers to their younger generations. Years passed by and the legend traveled all the way to India and the Far East. Come 2008 and an American explorer George States (Jeff Doucette), all set with his high tech gear and evil intentions, travels to India and deep into the heart of the prohibited forest to reveal the unrevealed.

Fortunately, George finds a male cobra, almost the size of a python, while he is mating. He captures and takes him back to America for testing. But, little does he know that there’s horror and destruction waiting for him and others to encounter. Nagin sets out to find her partner with vengeance in her mind and venom in her fangs. Will she be able to find her mate and reunite with him? The movie is already considered to be above the expectation levels of the audience. Check out Mallika Sherawat who tries her hand at Hollywood as a full-fledged role after donning a cameo in the much-forgotten ‘The Myth’. What to watch out for? A Hollywood movie with a Bollywood body! Let’s wait till October 22nd, 2010 when ‘Hisss’ releases and see what new talent has the hot and sexy actress Mallika Sherawat got to show in Hollywood.

Paritala Ravi Story

Paritala Ravi BIOGRAPHY

Paritala Ravindra Chowdary was one of the most adored lord of Rayalaseema region in Andhra Pradesh. He was elected as M.L.A for five times from Penukonda constituency in Anantapur district. He was slain by his political rivals in 2005 because of a vandetta. He was one of the most controversial persons in the history of Andhra Pradesh politics. A 1998 report prepared by the Andhra Pradesh Civil Liberties Committee on Paritala Ravi, a former naxalite, says: “The entire district kneels down before him. Everyone is afraid of him. From 1994, even the political scenario (in Anantapur district) has undergone a change”.


Ravi’s father Paritala SriRamulu:
Paritala Ravindra was born on 28-5-1957 in Venkatapuram village of Nasanakota panchayati (Ramagiri mandal, Penukonda constituency, Anantapur district).His father was SriRamulu (12-4-1935 to 29-11-1982). Even though his father was a landlord of 300 acres, he was inspired by the Marxist ideology. He donated most of his land to the poor. He also lead the poor and the oppressed (Boya, Kuruba, Eediga castes) in fighting for their rights over the land (sivaijaama Bhoomulu) occupied by landlords of kanaganapalli and chennekothapalli, namely Gangula Narayana Reddy and Sane Chenna Reddy. He managed to distribute around 600 acres of land belonging to these landlords and their supporters among the poor. He joined C.P.I(M.L) party in 1971. He became top most leader of the Naxal movement in Andhra Pradesh. He didnt kill anyone.(Refer to Eenadu News Paper(Anantapur edition) dated 25-1-2005 and Sunday magazine of Eenadu newspaper dated 6-2-2005 for more information about beginning of vandetta and the land struggle).

This land struggle turned into a vandetta and caste struggle when he was killed on 29-5-1975 by his own follower. This follower took money from Gangula and Sane. He was going to attend a marriage in Baksampalli. The bus stopped near Baksampalli cross. He stepped down from the bus and immediately he was killed by that person. Gangula Narayana Reddy and Sane Chenna Reddy were the conspirators.

Ravi’s younger brother Paritala Hari:
Paritala Hari was younger brother of Paritala Ravi. He was born on 10-7-1960. After his father was killed by Gangula, he lead poor and oppressed. He joined Naxal movement in 1979. He managed to distribute some land ocupied by the same landlords. He became a powerful Naxalite. He lead the Naxals in killng Saayanna. They (Naxals) never killed any children or women.

On 28-11-1982 Hari was killed by the police inspector named Kabir in a fake encounter. Hari was there in his house in Venkatapuram. Police came to know this. They immediately went to Venkatapuram. Hari was not able to escape from the police, so he was hiding in the house all the doors closed. Police caught his sister and threatened Hari that they would rape his sister if he didnt come out of the house. So Hari finally came out of the house. He was taken to Nasanakota village which is 2 Km away from Venkatapuram. There he was shot by inspector Kabir infront of hundreds of villagers. Again Gangula Narayana Reddy, Gangula Narsanna, Sane Chenna Reddy were the conspirators.

Early life of Ravi:

As he lost his father and brother in the vandetta, he wanted to take safe shelter to protect his life from his family rivals. His family rivals were after him after killing his brother. Paritala Ravi once said that he walked barefoot for somedays during those days when he was trying to save his life from his rivals. He went to his mother’s brother, Kondaiah, in SeerpiKottaala village of Uravakonda constituency to take shelter. Their he married Paritala Suneetha, his cousin in 1986. He took up cultivation at that time.
He never was a naxalite. Many P.W.G leaders, Maoist party leaders, Virasam leader VaraVara Rao, Gaddar said this many times. He participated in the faction politics from 1991 and not before that.

It is Congress propaganda that he was the conspirator in killing Gangula Narayana Reddy, Narsanna and Yaadi Reddy during 1982-83. On the contrary it was not he but it was Naxalites who killed them. This is again said by many Naxal leaders.

Naxals who were fed up of the attrocities committed by Gangula Narayana Reddy, his followers Chenna Reddy, Narsanna, Yaadi Reddy wanted to kill them. They also wanted to take revenge of the killings of their party leaders SriRamulu and Hari. First persons to be killed were Narsanna and Yaadi Reddy. They never killed women and kids even that time. Then it was Narayana Reddy’s turn in 1983. Narayana Reddy was in Anantapur in a lodge on 1-6-1983. He was brutally hacked down by the P.W.G. Naxals escaped from there immediately.

Naturally everyone’s fingers pointed to Ravindra. But he was not at all involved in the murder. He was not even a conspirator. Later P.W.G leaders said this.

Ravi’s entry in to factionism:
After Narayana Reddy was killed, Ramachandra Reddy of Telugu desam party became M.L.A from Penukonda in 1983 and 1985. Even though he became M.L.A Penukonda was never peaceful. Chenna Reddy, his sons Ramana Reddy and Obul Reddy, Gangula Surya Narayana Reddy (son of Narayana Reddy) and many of their thugs committed many attrocities. Surya Narayana Reddy and Obul Reddy raped many women in their own houses infront of the parents of the women. Some T.D.P activists were killed during that time.

Rakta Charitra Movie Talk and Review

Film: Rakta Charitra
Rating: 3.25/5
Banner: Cinergy productions
Cast: Vivek Oberoi, Abhimanyu Singh, Shatrughan Sinha, Kota, Radhika Apte, Zareena Wahab, Sushant Singh, Tanikella, Subhalekha Sudhakar, Vishwajeet Pradhan, Rajendra Gupta, Ashish Vidyarthi, Kitty and others
Dialogues: Nageswara Rao
Music: Dharam- Sandeep
DOP: Amol Rathod
Editing: Bhanodaya, Nipun Ashok Gupta
Story, screenplay, direction: Ram Gopal Varma
Producers: Madhu Mantena, Sheetal Vinod Talwar, Chinna Vasudeva Reddy, Rajkumar
Release Date: 22/10/2010

‘Rakta Charitra, the most hyped movie of the season is finally released. Let’s see the impression after the first day first show.

Who Like This?
Paritala fans
The people those know about Anantapur politics
The audience those love action and gaction story lines
Ram Gopal Varma Fans

Who Cannot Like This?
NTR Fans
People those hate Paritala Ravi
Ladies and Kids

What’s There In Story:
MLA Narasimha Reddy (Kitty) is a big man in his place, Anandapuram. His close aide Veerabhadriah (Rajendra Gupta) brings envy in the eyes of Nagmani Reddy (Kota), a relative of Narasimha Reddy.

Nagmani conspires to divide Narasimha Reddy and Veerabhadriah playing caste cards and bringing suspicions. Eventually Veerabhadriah becomes prey for Nagmani Reddy’s conspiracy. Veerabhadriah is killed.

This brings anger in Veerabhadriah’s elder son Shankar Ravi (Sushant) and he gets into murdering the men of Narasimha Reddy by operating from forests.

Veerabhadriah’s younger son Pratap Ravi (Vivek Oberoi) who lives in a city comes to know about his father death. Eventually his brother Shankar also gets killed in police station. That makes Pratap enraged and he takes the place of his brother in killing men with revenge.

Pratap puts an end to Narasimha Reddy, Nagmani Reddy and other allies. Nagamani Reddy’s son Bukka Reddy (Abhimanyu), a hardcore rapist and murderer becomes Pratap’s main enemy.

The rise of Pratap as a powerful killer against Bukka Reddy is noticed by Shivaji Rao (Shatrughan) who sets a new party. Shivaji Rao encourages Pratap to make him politically strong in order to put and end to Bukka Reddy who troubles the growth of his party in Anandapuram area.

What happens from then can be watched on screen.

Who Performed Well?
No compromise. All the artistes performed up to their mark.

Vivek Oberoi is at his best as Pratap Ravi.

Shatrughan Sinha steals the show. He emulated the mannerisms of NTR in his own style.

Abhimanyu Singh is the eye turner. His villainy deserves a great mention. He will be known as cruel Bukka Reddy from now to Telugu audiences.

Radhika Apte is good but she has got nothing big to perform than throwing two smiles and shedding 3 tears.

Kota, Tanikella Bharani, Rajendra Kapoor, Ashish Vidyrathi and others are all good.

Almost all the incidents in the movie are realistic and not far from facts. The intensity shown in Bukka Reddy’s (Obul Reddy in real life) character, killing him in Maheshwari chambers Room-102 are shown perfectly in tune with reality.

Except Bukka Reddy’s character nothing is strongly carved. The typical Rayalaseema faction chases and murder plots are not perfectly shaped. There couldhave beenmore breath taking intensity.

The biggest flaw in narration is that the intensity of reason for Manda (Asish Vidyarthi) to kill Veerabhadriah (the labor leader) is not established properly. The conviction is not strongly felt when Pratap Ravi’s people keep on killing opponents and their supporters.

The facts and fiction in this movie are well knitted but the picturization part is not impressive. Poor lighting and poor quality of picture are clearly evident. Probably ‘Digital Cameras are not capable enough to impress the Telugu audiences at present.

This is Ram Gopal Varma’s film but no shades of that sort were seen either in technical values or dialogue power. Except a couple of dialogues here and there, the typical Varma trade mark is shown little.

The first half is completely political with a little confusion in characters for the audiences those do not know the current affairs. The drama starts in second half and that is impressive.

But on a whole, the movie gives a different feel and fills senses with contentment. Rakta Charitra will certainly pull great chunk of audiences to Rakta Charitra-2.

ITI Ltd Engineers Walkin Jobs 2010

ITI Limited

ITI Limited, the Country’s premier Telecom Company, is all set to take telecom and IT to greater and unexplored realms. The Company is looking for dynamic and result oriented professionals for the recruitment of Engineers on contract basis :
Engineers :

Qualification: degree in Electronics / Electrical / Telecommunication / Communication / Radio Engineering , individual or combination of any of these discipline.

Age : Should not be more than 28 years for GEN , 33 years for SC/ST and 31 years for OBC candidate as on date of the interview.

Remuneration : 12,000 per month.

Application Fee:
A non refundable DD of Rs 300.00 in favour of ITI Ltd, payable at Mumbai is required to submit at the time of interview. Candidates will not be allowed to attend the interview without submitting DD. Payment in terms of Cash or cheque will not be entertained. Internal Candidates are not eligible to apply.

Walk-in-interview :

Walkin Date & Time : 27/10/2010 at Time : 11 am to 3 pm

Walkin Venue :
ITI Limited, GSM Project
Office, 303, Trade Avenue,
260, Suren Road, Andheri(E),
Mumbai – 400 093.

DIPP Examiners Recruitment Notification 2010

Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion

Advertisement No. 01/2010

Applications are invited in the prescribed ICR Application Form (Offline)/through Online application for the recruitment of 257 posts of Examiner of Patents and Designs for the Office of the Controller General of Patents, Designs & Trade Marks under the Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion (Ministry of Commerce & Industry).

Examiner of Patents and Designs

Number of Posts: 257 posts

Essential Qualification:
Educational Qualification:
Masters Degree in Physics/Chemistry/Bio-Chemistry/Microbiology/Molecular Biology/Bio-Technology/Bio- Physics, OR Bachelor Degree in Engineering/Technology of a recognised University or equivalent. However, the examination will be conducted in the disciplines as mentioned in paragraph 4 above.
Desirable Qualification:
During finalization of the result, the candidates possessing following desirable qualification will be given due weightage by the DIPP as per the scheme as mentioned below: (i) Research experience.
(ii) Degree in Law from a recognized University or equivalent
(iii) Certificate/Diploma from a recognized University/Institute in a foreign language like German, French, Russian, Spanish etc.

Pay Scale : PB – 3 (Rs. 15,600 – 39,100) + Grade Pay Rs. 5,400 (Group “A” Gazetted)

Age : 21 – 35 yrs

Selection Process :
The Selection process shall consist of two stages; preliminary examination & Main examination. Both the test will be held on Sunday, the 2nd January, 2011.

Fees (non-refundable):
(a) Offline Application Fee:
(i) General/OBC Candidate: Rs. 100/- + Rs. 20 /- (towards Bank & postage charges)
(ii) SC/ST/PC (OH)/Women Candidate: NIL + Rs. 20 /- (towards Bank & postage charges). (in order to avail fee concession for SC/ST/PC (OH), candidates are required to produce attested copy of their category certificate to the Bank official at time of purchasing the Application Form).
(b) For Online Application : fee is to be deposited within working hours in any of the CBS branch of the Indian Bank by Bank Challan Proforma available on website as on Tuesday, the 19th October, 2010. The fee structure for Online application are as under:
(i) General/OBC Candidate: Rs. 100/- + Rs. 20/- (towards Bank & postage Service)
(ii) SC/ST/PC (OH)/Women Candidate: Nil

How To Apply :
Apply online at DIPP Website only upto 19/10/2010 but Now it has extended upto 29/10/2010. Take a printout of the submitted application and the application form, duly completed with requisite enclosures & fixing requisite postage stamp on the mailing envelop should be sent to the Sr. Controller of Examinations, Examination Unit, Human Resource Development Group, CSIR Complex, (Opposite Institute of Hotel Management), Library Avenue, Pusa, New Delhi 110012 only by registered post/speed post so as to reach this Unit on or before 5 p.m. on 25/10/2010 now exended upto 08/11/2010.

Last Date : 25/10/2010.

Indian Oil Corporation Ltd Recruitment Notification 2010

Indian Oil Corporation Ltd

Indian Oil Corporation Ltd., Northern Region Pipelines needs retired Police officer on contract :

IndianOil Corporation Ltd, Northern Region Pipelines needs retired Police officer on contract basis for the security and surveillance of their cross-country Pipelines passing through the states of Uttar Pradesh and Delhi. The incumbent should have retired from Police service on or after 31.12.2009, preferably from Uttar Pradesh or Delhi, in the rank no less than Deputy Superintendent of Police.

An indicative list of the core responsibilities of the incumbent are as under:

1. To draw strategy for total security of the cross-country pipelines under NRPL.
2. To put in place intelligence gathering system.
3. To assign and supervise the pipeline patrolling personnel / DGR guards etc deployed for patrolling and security of pipeline.
4. To advise on deployment of guards in the total interest of IOCL.
5. To ascertain and put in place the process of character and antecedent verification of personnel deployed for the pipeline security.
6. To attend all emergencies and advise corrective measures.
7. To liaise with police authorities.
8. To impart regular training to security personnel.
9. To monitor daily security and situation report.
10. To device reporting methods and reports on daily security situation.
11. To lodge FIR and follow-up cases of pilferage(s).
12. To be considered ‘on duty’ on 24×7 basis
13. To investigate, analyze and suggest remedial measures with a written report of each pilferage attempt

How To Apply :
The filled-in application is to be sent to Chief Human Resource Manager, Northern Region Pipelines, IndianOil Corporation Ltd., P.O. Panipat Refinery, Panipat-132140 latest by 1700 hrs on 27th October 2010.

Queries, if any, may be addressed to or

Last Date : 27/10/2010

ITAT Secrataries Recruitment 2010 Application Forms

Applications are invited from eligible candidates for filling up existing as well as anticipated vacancies for the post of Senior Private Secretaries/Private Secretaries (Group B Gazetted)

Senior Private Secretaries
No of Posts : 43
Pay Scale : Rs.9300-34800 (PB-2) with Grade Pay of Rs.4800/-

Private Secretaries
No of Posts : 38
Pay Scale : Rs. 9300-34800 (PB-2) with Grade Pay of Rs.4600/-

Educational Qualification :
a. Degree of a recognized University or equivalent
b. A speed of 120 w.p.m. in English Shorthand.
c. Working knowledge of computers, having knowledge to operate
upon the software like Micro Soft Office, Excel or Page- makers.

Age : 35 years

Mode of Selection: Through Direct Recruitment comprising of Written-test followed by Skill-test & Interview.

How To Apply :
Applications for the post of Senior Private Secretaries & Private Secretaries, in the following proforma should be filled in English/Hindi and should reach The Registrar, Old Central Govt. Offices Building, 4th Floor, 101, Maharshi Karve Marg, Mumbai- 400 020 within 30 days from the date of publication of the advertisement in the Employment News.

Last Date : 15/11/2010

NIMHANS Recruitment 2010 Application Forms


Applications are invited from the eligible candidates for filling up of one post of each “Research Associate” & “Junior Research Fellow” on adhoc basis for the DBT funded Project entitled “Brain basis of Capacity limits of Information Processing” – under Dr.Shobini L. Rao, Professor Dept. of Mental Health & Social Psychology and Principal Investigator.

Research Associate
No. of Post : 01
Educational Qualification : B.Tech/ Electrical Engineering/Biomedical Engineering/Computer science with specialization in digital signal processing/Image processing OR M.Sc./Ph.D in Physics/Mathematics/ Statistics with specialization in Image Processing/Digital signal Processing.
Age limit : 35 Years
Emoluments : Rs.18,000/- P.M., (Consolidated)

Junior Research Fellow
No. of Posts : 01
Educational Qualification : Ph.D./M.A. in Psychology with specialization in Cognitive Psychology/Neuropsychology/ Cognitive Science OR M.Phil/Ph.D. in Mental Health & Social Psychology/Clinical Psychology with specialization in Neuropsychology or equivalent qualification.
Age limit : 35 years
Emoluments : Rs.15,000/- P.M., (Consolidated)

How To Apply :
Eligible candidates fulfilling the criteria, may apply on a plain paper with the curriculum vitae and copy of the Testimonials addressed to The Director, NIMHANS, P.B.No.2900, D.R.College Post, Hosur Road, Bangalore – 560 029 by post or by email to The candidate who apply, should invariably mention the Notification No. & date without fail, otherwise the applications will not be considered.

Last Date : 30.10.2010

Indian Navy SSC Officers in Technical Branches Course July 2011 Notification

Applications are invited from unmarried candidates who fulfill eligibility condition of Nationality as laid down by the Government of India for grant of Short Service Commission (SSC) in Technical [Engineering (E) & Electrical (L)] Branches of the Indian Navy for course commencing July 2011.

Eligibility Conditions :

Age Limit :
(i) Technical (General Service) 19½ to 25 years 02 Jul 1986 to Branch (‘E’ & ‘L’) 01 Jan 1992
(ii) Submarine Cadre (‘E’ & ‘L’) 19½ to 25 years 02 Jul 1986 to 01 Jan 1992
(iii) Naval Architecture Cadre 21 to 25 years 02 Jul 1986 to 01 Jul 1990.

Educational Qualifications : BE/ B.Tech. (or equivalent) in Mechanical/ Marine/ Automotive/ Mechtronics/ Industrial & Production/ Metallurgy/ Aeronautical/ Aerospace/ Conrol/ Electrical/ Elecronics/ tele-Communication/ Instrumentation/ Insrumentation and Control/ Electronics and Instrumentation/ Elecronics and Communication/ Power Engineering/ Control System Engineering/ Power Electronics/ Computer Science Engg. from a institution recognised by AICTE with minimum 60% marks

Physical Standards :
The candidates should not be colour/night blind & must be physically fit according to following physical standards:-
(a) Height and Weight. Minimum height-157cms for men & 152 cms for women with correlated weight.
(b) Eye Sight. 6/24, 6/24 correctable to 6/6 in each eye with glasses for Tech(GS) Branch & Submarine Cadre and 6/60, 6/60 correctable to 6/6, 6/12 with glasses for the Naval Architecture Cadre.

Selection Procedure :
The selection procedures are as follows:
(a) The candidates will be called for Service Selection Board (SSB) interviews at Bangalore/Bhopal/ Coimbatore between Nov 10 to May 11 according to their choice of cadre and their performance in BE/B Tech. Degree. Short-listing of candidates will be done on the basis of the cut off percentage decided by IHQ-MoD (Navy) for each cadre. No communication will be entertained on this account. A candidate not making to the cut-off %age of his 1st choice will be considered for his 2nd or 3rd choice, provided the candidates meets the cut-off for that particular cadre.
(b) Conduct of SSB. Stage I test consisting of Officer Intelligence Rating Test(OI&R Test), Picture Perception and Discussion test(PDPT) will be conducted on the first day. Candidate who fails to qualify in Stage I will be routed back home on the same day. Stage II tests will comprise of Psychological testing, Group Task, Group Discussion and Personal Interview. No compensation will be paid in case of any injury sustained as a result of tests. The duration of SSB will be 05 days Successful candidates will thereafter undergo Special Medical Examination for approximate duration of 05 days at nearest military hospital.
(c) Change of SSB centre is not permissible. Any correspondence regarding change of SSB dates is to be addressed to the Call-up Officer of the concerned SSB. Award of fresh dates, would be subject to availability of date and batches at SSB centre.
(d) Candidates recommended by the SSBs and declared medically fit, will be appointed for training in order of All India Merit depending on the number of vacancies.
(e) Return 2nd Class Sleeper rail fare is admissible for the SSB interview, if appearing for the first time for the entry.

How To Apply :
If you meet the above requirements, apply on plain A4 size paper (available in DMPR website in the prescribed format duly completed in all respects with superscription on the envelope “Application For 1st Choice …… 2nd …… 3rd ……” and “Aggregate Percentage (1 to 8 Semesters) …….”. Forward the application to the address as mentioned below by Ordinary post only to reach latest by 08 Nov 2010. Application sent through Regd. Post/Speed post/Courier/ By Hand/E-mail will not be accepted.

Post Bag No. 02, Sarojini Nagar, New Delhi-110 023

Last Date : 08/11/2010.

National Tree of India

The national tree of India, banyan is a very huge structure, long and deep roots and branches symbolize the country's unity. One can find banyan trees in throughout the nation. The huge sized tree acts as a shield, protects from hot sun. This is the reason why the tree is planted near homes, temples, villages and roadsides. In the rural parts of the country, banyan tree is considered as the focal point of the Panchayats and the gathering place for village councils and meetings. The tree is also considered sacred by the Hindus of India. With high medicinal value, banyan is often used as a herb to treat and cure many diseases. Given below is the description of banyan, the national tree of India.

Importance In The Indian Culture
The tradition of worshipping 'sacred' trees is prevalent among the people following Hinduism, since ages. Rig Veda and Atharva Veda stipulate that trees should be worshipped, for their inevitable role in human life. Banyan is considered one among the sacred trees. In the Hindu mythology, Lord Shiva is sometimes depicted sitting in silence, under the banyan tree, with the saints sitting at His feet. With its seemingly unending expansion, the banyan tree symbolizes eternal life. In Hindu culture, the tree is often called 'kalpavriksha', a Sanskrit word, which means 'a divine tree that fulfills wishes'. Married Hindu women worship the banyan tree to lead a long and happy married life.

Banyan tree is characterized by a tangle of branches, roots and trunks. The tree is deeply rooted, which may spread across several acres. It is huge in size, thereby giving protection from hot sun. The tree bears fruits that look like figs. The fruits, which appear red in color when matured, are not edible. The dark green leaves of the tree are large and leathery. This is the reason why, the leaves are used as animal fodder. The flowers produced by the tree often attract wasps, for pollination. An old banyan tree can reach more than 656 feet in diameter and can be as tall as 98 feet. The rubber, produced from the sticky milk of banyan tree, is used for gardening.

Hepatitis C – What are Hepatitis C Signs and Symptoms

Although hepatitis C damages the liver, 80% of people with the disease do not have symptoms. In those who do, symptoms may not appear for 10-20 years, or even longer. Even then, the symptoms usually come and go and are mild and vague. Unfortunately, by the time symptoms appear, the damage may be very serious.A minority of people have symptoms during the early acute phase of the infection. These symptoms typically develop 5-12 weeks after exposure to HCV. Some people describe the symptoms as being flulike. The symptoms may last a few weeks or months.

Hepatitis C Signs and Symptoms:

1.Stools become pale in color (grayish or clay colored)
2.Dark-colored urine (may look like cola or tea)
3.Jaundice – A condition in which the skin and the whites of the eyes turn yellow
4.Pain over the liver (on the right side of the abdomen, just under the rib cage)
6.Loss of appetite

Acute:Acute hepatitis C refers to the first 6 months after infection with HCV. Between 60% to 70% of people infected develop no symptoms during the acute phase. In the minority of patients who experience acute phase symptoms, they are generally mild and nonspecific, and rarely lead to a specific diagnosis of hepatitis C. Symptoms of acute hepatitis C infection include decreased appetite, fatigue, abdominal pain, jaundice, itching, and flu-like symptoms. Hep C genotypes 2A & 3A have the highest cure rates at 81% and 74% respectively.

The hepatitis C virus is usually detectable in the blood within one to three weeks after infection by PCR, and antibodies to the virus are generally detectable within 3 to 15 weeks. Spontaneous viral clearance rates are highly variable and between 10 to 60% of persons infected with HCV clear the virus from their bodies during the acute phase as shown by normalization in liver enzymes (alanine transaminase (ALT) & aspartate transaminase (AST)), and plasma HCV-RNA clearance (this is known as spontaneous viral clearance). However, persistent infections are common and most patients develop chronic hepatitis C, i.e., infection lasting more than 6 months.

Previous practice was to not treat acute infections to see if the person would spontaneously clear; recent studies have shown that treatment during the acute phase of genotype 1 infections has a greater than 90% success rate with half the treatment time required for chronic infections.

Chronic:Chronic hepatitis C is defined as infection with the hepatitis C virus persisting for more than six months. Clinically, it is often asymptomatic (without symptoms) and it is mostly discovered accidentally (e.g. usual checkup).

The natural course of chronic hepatitis C varies considerably from one person to another. Although almost all people infected with HCV have evidence of inflammation on liver biopsy, the rate of progression of liver scarring (fibrosis) shows significant variability among individuals. Accurate estimates of the risk over time are difficult to establish because of the limited time that tests for this virus have been available.

Recent data suggest that among untreated patients, roughly one-third progress to liver cirrhosis in less than 20 years. Another third progress to cirrhosis within 30 years. The remainder of patients appear to progress so slowly that they are unlikely to develop cirrhosis within their lifetimes. In contrast the NIH consensus guidelines state that the risk of progression to cirrhosis over a 20-year period is 3-20 percent.

Factors that have been reported to influence the rate of HCV disease progression include age (increasing age associated with more rapid progression), gender (males have more rapid disease progression than females), alcohol consumption (associated with an increased rate of disease progression), HIV coinfection (associated with a markedly increased rate of disease progression), and fatty liver (the presence of fat in liver cells has been associated with an increased rate of disease progression).

Symptoms specifically suggestive of liver disease are typically absent until substantial scarring of the liver has occurred. However, hepatitis C is a systemic disease and patients may experience a wide spectrum of clinical manifestations ranging from an absence of symptoms to a more symptomatic illness prior to the development of advanced liver disease. Generalized signs and symptoms associated with chronic hepatitis C include fatigue, flu-like symptoms, joint pains, itching, sleep disturbances, appetite changes, nausea, and depression.

Once chronic hepatitis C has progressed to cirrhosis, signs and symptoms may appear that are generally caused by either decreased liver function or increased pressure in the liver circulation, a condition known as portal hypertension. Possible signs and symptoms of liver cirrhosis include ascites (accumulation of fluid in the abdomen), bruising and bleeding tendency, varices (enlarged veins, especially in the stomach and esophagus), jaundice, and a syndrome of cognitive impairment known as hepatic encephalopathy. Hepatic encephalopathy is due to the accumulation of ammonia and other substances normally cleared by a healthy liver.

Liver enzyme tests show variable elevation of ALT and AST. Periodically they might show normal results. Usually prothrombin and albumin results are normal, but may become abnormal, once cirrhosis has developed. The level of elevation of liver tests do not correlate well with the amount of liver injury on biopsy. Viral genotype and viral load also do not correlate with the amount of liver injury. Liver biopsy is the best test to determine the amount of scarring and inflammation. Radiographic studies such as ultrasound or CT scan do not always show liver injury until it is fairly advanced. However, non-invasive tests (blood sample) are coming, with FibroTest and ActiTest, respectively estimating liver fibrosis and necrotico-inflammatory. These tests are validatedand recommended in Europe (FDA procedures initiated in USA)

Chronic hepatitis C, more than other forms of hepatitis, can be associated with extrahepatic manifestations associated with the presence of HCV such as porphyria cutanea tarda, cryoglobulinemia (a form of small-vessel vasculitis)and glomerulonephritis (inflammation of the kidney), specifically membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis (MPGN). Hepatitis C is also rarely associated with sicca syndrome (an autoimmune disorder), thrombocytopenia, lichen planus, diabetes mellitus and with B-cell lymphoproliferative disorders.

Eighty percent of those infected do not have symptoms. Some people feel like they have the flu. Symptoms of hepatitis C can include fatigue, decreased appetite, nausea, jaundice, fever, and an enlarged liver.

Following acute infection with HCV, approximately 80 percent of patients will develop chronic infection. Chronic liver disease develops in 50-60 percent of those with chronic infection. The patients with cirrhosis, the most severe type of chronic liver disease, are also at risk (about 3 percent per year) of all liver cancer (hepatocellular carcinoma).

Hepatitis B Prevention Tips

Several vaccines have been developed by Maurice Hilleman for the prevention of hepatitis B virus infection. These rely on the use of one of the viral envelope proteins (hepatitis B surface antigen or HBsAg). The vaccine was originally prepared from plasma obtained from patients who had long-standing hepatitis B virus infection. However, currently, it is made using a synthetic recombinant DNA technology that does not contain blood products. You cannot catch hepatitis B from this vaccine.

Following vaccination, hepatitis B surface antigen may be detected in serum for several days; this is known as vaccine antigenaemia.The vaccine is administered in either two-, three-, or four-dose schedules into infants and adults, which provides protection for 85–90% of individuals. Protection has been observed to last 12 years in individuals who show adequate initial response to the primary course of vaccinations, and that immunity is predicted to last at least 25 years.

Unlike hepatitis A, hepatitis B does not generally spread through water and food. Instead, it is transmitted through body fluids; prevention is thus the avoidance of such transmission: unprotected sexual contact, blood transfusions, re-use of contaminated needles and syringes, and vertical transmission during child birth. Infants may be vaccinated at birth.

Shi, et al showed that besides the WHO recommended joint immunoprophylaxis starting from the newborn, multiple injections of small doses of hepatitis B immune globulin (HBIg, 200–400 IU per month), or oral lamivudine (100 mg per day) in HBV carrier mothers with a high degree of infectiousness (>106 copies/ml) in late pregnancy (the last three months of pregnancy), effectively and safely prevent HBV intrauterine transmission, which provide new insight into prevention of HBV at the earliest stage.

Take prevention of hepatitis B. If you know you have hepatitis B, realize that it’s contagious. You can spread it to others. Avoid contact with others. You can prevent hepatitis from sharing needles. Although, those who use needles (outside from doctor appointments) are probably drug addicts. Don’t engage in unprotected sex, without proof your partner isn’t carrying any diseases. Avoid sharing eating utensils, or drinks with others.

Drink green tea. Drinking green tea can help get rid of a virus. That antioxidant called catechin can help in reduce symptoms. Green tea is rich in antioxidants. You want to get more antioxidants into your diet. Green tea does contain caffeine, but not the amount found in coffee and soda drinks.

Stay hydrated. Get a lot of fluids into your body. Drink water, not alcohol and caffeine drinks. Alcohol and caffeine can cause dehydration. Drink 8-10 glasses of cold water daily. Avoid a lot of fatty foods, and eat liquid foods like chicken noodle soup. Tomato soup isn’t bad as well.

Get vitamins into your diet. You should eat foods that contain a good amount of vitamins. A good source of vitamins are found in fruits. Avoid fruits that are real sour, though. Sour fruits could cause nausea and vomiting. Vitamin E supplements can help with hepatitis. Vitamin E helps protect the liver from damage, and studies suggest its helpful. Vitamin E helps fight off the virus in your liver.

Using herbal remedies. There are some helpful remedies out there, that can help treat hepatitis B. There’s a herbal supplement called hepatitone. It contains five herbs, and helps maintain a health liver function. Milk thistle, also known as silybum marianum has been used over 2,000 years for liver problems. Discuss any herbal supplements with your doctor first.

All infants should receive the hepatitis B vaccine: this is the mainstay of hepatitis B prevention.

The vaccine can be given as either three or four separate doses, as part of existing routine immunization schedules. In areas where mother-to-infant spread of HBV is common, the first dose of vaccine should be given as soon as possible after birth (i.e. within 24 hours).

The complete vaccine series induces protective antibody levels in more than 95% of infants, children and young adults. After age 40, protection following the primary vaccination series drops below 90%. At 60 years old, protective antibody levels are achieved in only 65 to 75% of those vaccinated. Protection lasts at least 20 years and should be lifelong.

All children and adolescents younger than 18 years old and not previously vaccinated should receive the vaccine. People in high risk groups should also be vaccinated, including:

Prevention Tips:

1.International travellers to countries with high rates of HBV.
2.Those at occupational risk of HBV infection, including health care workers.
3.Recipients of solid organ transplantation.
4.Persons who frequently require blood or blood products.
5.Injecting drug users.
6.Partners and household contacts of HBV infected persons.
7.Persons with high-risk sexual behaviour.
The vaccine has an outstanding record of safety and effectiveness. Since 1982, over one billion doses of hepatitis B vaccine have been used worldwide. In many countries where 8% to 15% of children used to become chronically infected with HBV, vaccination has reduced the rate of chronic infection to less than 1% among immunized children.

As of December 2006, 164 countries vaccinate infants against hepatitis B during national immunization programmes – a major increase compared with 31 countries in 1992, the year that the World Health Assembly passed a resolution to recommend global vaccination against hepatitis B.

Prevention For Hepatitis A

Hepatitis A can be prevented by vaccination, good hygiene and sanitation. Hepatitis A is also one of the main reasons not to surf or go in the ocean after rains in coastal areas that are known to have bad runoff.

The vaccine protects against HAV in more than 95% of cases for 10 years. It contains inactivated Hepatitis A virus providing active immunity against a future infection. The vaccine was first phased in 1996 for children in high-risk areas, and in 1999 it was spread to areas with elevating levels of infection.

The vaccine is given by injection into the muscle of the upper arm. An initial dose provides protection starting two to four weeks after vaccination; the second booster dose, given six to twelve months later, provides protection for up to twenty years.

1.Crus not eat shellfish or cooked. If molluscs that live in water have been contaminated with feces containing the virus of hepatitis A infected molluscs May.

Child care workers should be educated about how often prevent the spread of hepatitis A prevention. Although children infected with hepatitis A may have little or no symptoms, can infect other people, including child care workers and other adults who may develop more severe symptoms. To prevent the spread of hepatitis A virus HAV, the child care workers must :

1.Talk to your doctor about getting vaccinated against HAV
2.Clean the diaper changing surface after each mutation.
3.Wash children’s hands, and then use a new pair of gloves when changing diapers for another child.

Use plastic (not latex, because of the risk of allergic reaction), disposable gloves when changing diapers

2.Protect yourself before flying and when on his journey. If you are traveling to some of the world where sanitation is poor or if hepatitis A is a known problem, consult your doctor about vaccination against hepatitis A, immune globulin (Ig) or a combination vaccine against hepatitis A and B. Always drink bottled water or boil water before drinking. Avoid tap water or untreated well water or drinks with ice. And do not eat raw foods (such as unpeeled fruits or vegetables).

3.Develop habits of hygiene.

Do not eat or drink anything that you think may have been prepared in filthy conditions.
Discourage children from putting objects in their mouths, especially when they share toys with other children.
Wash dishes in hot soapy water or a dishwasher.
Make sure you and all family members wash their hands with soap and warm water after using the toilet and before preparing or eating food.

4.Get vaccinated against hepatitis A, if your travel plans, work, health, or lifestyle puts you at risk for exposure to hepatitis A (HAV). For more information, see what increases the risk of this category.

The following tips can help reduce your risk of spreading or catching the virus:

1.Avoid unclean food and water

2.Always wash your hands thoroughly after using the restroom and when you come in contact with an infected person’s blood, stools, or other bodily fluid

The virus may spread more rapidly through day care centers and other places where people are in close contact. Thorough hand washing before and after each diaper change, before serving food, and after using the restroom may help prevent such outbreaks.

If you have recently been exposed to hepatitis A and have not had hepatitis A before or have not received the hepatitis A vaccine series, ask your doctor or nurse about receiving either immune globulin or the hepatitis A vaccine. Common reasons why you may need to receive one or both of these include:

1.You have eaten in a restaurant where food or food handlers were found to be infected or contaminated with hepatitis A
2.You have had close personal contact over a period of time with someone who has hepatitis A
3.You recently shared illegal drugs, either injected or non-injected, with someone who has hepatitis A
4.You recently had sexual contact with someone who has hepatitis A
5.You live with someone who has hepatitis A

Vaccines that protect against hepatitis A infection are available. The vaccine begins to protect 4 weeks after receiving the first dose. The 6 to 12 month booster is required for long-term protection. See: Hepatitis A vaccine

Travelers should take the following precautions:

1.Heated food should be hot to the touch and eaten right away.
2.If no water is available, boiling water is the best method for eliminating hepatitis A. Bringing the water to a full boil for at least 1 minute generally makes it safe to drink.
3.Use only carbonated bottled water for brushing teeth and drinking. (Remember that ice cubes can carry infection.)
4.Get vaccinated against hepatitis A (and possibly hepatitis B) if traveling to countries where outbreaks of the disease occur.
5.Do not buy food from street vendors.
6.Beware of sliced fruit that may have been washed in contaminated water. Travelers should peel all fresh fruits and vegetables themselves.
7.Avoid raw or undercooked meat and fish.
8.Avoid dairy products.

Consider a hepatitis A vaccination (Havrix) or an immunoglobulin (IG) injection if you fall into a high-risk group (see the Tips, below). IG injections provide short-term protection against hepatitis A (several months), while a vaccination is effective for a longer period (years).Consider getting tested for antibodies to hepatitis A if you have been infected before or if you are over 50. You may not need vaccination, as you may already be immune.

ESIC Gujarat LDC Recruitment Oct 2010

Employees’ State Insurance Corporation (ESIC) GUJARAT REGION

Applications, On line are invited to fill up 46 vacancies in the Lower Division Clerk in the offices of ESIC in Gujarat State :

Lower Division Clerks :

No of Posts : 46

Pay Scale : 5200-20200 +1900/-

Qualification :
(i) Higher Secondary Pass (pass in 12th Standard) or equivalent from a recognised Board.
(ii) Working knowledge of computer including the use of office suites and data base with typing speed of 40 words per minute in English or 35 words per minute in Hindi.

Age : Minimum 18 years and Maximum 27 years as on 18-11-2010

Scheme of Examination : The examination will consist of two parts viz :
Part I : Written Test
Part II : Skill test in typing on computer and knowledge of computer, including use of Office Suites and database.

Application Fee : Fee for SC/ST/persons with disability/Employees of ESIC/Ex Servicemen and Women candidates Rs. 55/- and for others i.e. General & OBC candidates Rs. 230/- should be paid in any branch of State Bank of India in the designated Account No.31463702683 OR 31463687697 by filling up challan in triplicate, to be down loaded from the website.

How to Apply : Apply online at ESIC Gujarat webcsite only from 18/10/2010 to 12/11/2010. Take a printout of the computer generated application and send it to the following address on by Regd. Post/ Speed Post in an envelope superscribed “Application for the post of LDC-2010-11” at the following address on or before 18/11/2010.

*Regional Director Regional Office, ESI Corporation, Panchdeep Bhavan, Ashram Road, Ahmadabad – 380014 , Gujarat

Last Date : 18/11/2010

ESIC Gujarat LDC Recruitment Oct 2010

Employees’ State Insurance Corporation (ESIC) GUJARAT REGION

Applications, On line are invited to fill up 46 vacancies in the Lower Division Clerk in the offices of ESIC in Gujarat State :

Lower Division Clerks :

No of Posts : 46

Pay Scale : 5200-20200 +1900/-

Qualification :
(i) Higher Secondary Pass (pass in 12th Standard) or equivalent from a recognised Board.
(ii) Working knowledge of computer including the use of office suites and data base with typing speed of 40 words per minute in English or 35 words per minute in Hindi.

Age : Minimum 18 years and Maximum 27 years as on 18-11-2010

Scheme of Examination : The examination will consist of two parts viz :
Part I : Written Test
Part II : Skill test in typing on computer and knowledge of computer, including use of Office Suites and database.

Application Fee : Fee for SC/ST/persons with disability/Employees of ESIC/Ex Servicemen and Women candidates Rs. 55/- and for others i.e. General & OBC candidates Rs. 230/- should be paid in any branch of State Bank of India in the designated Account No.31463702683 OR 31463687697 by filling up challan in triplicate, to be down loaded from the website.

How to Apply : Apply online at ESIC Gujarat webcsite only from 18/10/2010 to 12/11/2010. Take a printout of the computer generated application and send it to the following address on by Regd. Post/ Speed Post in an envelope superscribed “Application for the post of LDC-2010-11” at the following address on or before 18/11/2010.

*Regional Director Regional Office, ESI Corporation, Panchdeep Bhavan, Ashram Road, Ahmadabad – 380014 , Gujarat

Last Date : 18/11/2010

Sikkim State Map

Sikkim is the second smallest state of India. This landlocked state is least populated and has Gangtok as its capital. The world's third highest peak, Kanchenjunga, is located here. The state has twenty-eight mountain peaks, twenty-one glaciers, 227 high altitude lakes, five hot springs, and over 100 rivers and streams, including the famous Teesta, which is also called "lifeline of Sikkim". Sikkim's economy is mainly agrarian.

It produce crops of rice, cardamom, oranges, apples and tea. It is also a mineral rich state and have mines of copper, dolomite, limestone, graphite, mica, iron, and coal. The state also has a vast tourism potential. There are many hotels and guest houses to cater to the flourishing tourism industry. Apart from the major contribution from tourism, the service sector also boasts of its real estate.

Coal India IPO Subscription

Coal India IPO subscribed 0.34 times on Day 1

The Initial Public Offering (IPO) of Coal India Limited which opened for subscription on October 18, 2010 has received subscription of 0.34 times at the end of first day.

The company has come out with Public offer of 631,636,440 equity shares of face value of Rs. 10 each for cash at a price band of Rs.225 to Rs.245 through 100% book building process.

The IPO has received total bids for 213486275 equity shares against the offer of 631636440 equity shares. The issue has received bids for 11324150 equity shares at cut-off price.

The Qualified Institutional Buyers (QIBs) portion of the issue has received bids for 178061900 equity shares against the offer of 284236398 equity shares resulting in a subscription of 0.63 times.

The Non Institutional Investors portion of the issue has received subscription of 0.18 times with bids for 15166550 equity shares against the offer of 85270919 equity shares.

The Retail Individual Investors (RIIs) portion of the issue has received bids for 20170400 equity shares against the offer of 198965479 equity shares resulting in a subscription of 0.10 times.

The Employee Reservation portion of the issue has received subscription of 0.00 times with bids for 87425 shares against the offer of 63163644 shares.

The IPO closes for subscription on October 21, 2010.

Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) 2010 Admit Card

The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) Published the November 2010 Examination Admit Card

The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) is a statutory body established under the Chartered Accountants Act, 1949 (Act No. XXXVIII of 1949) for the regulation of the profession of Chartered Accountants in India. During its 61 years of existence, ICAI has achieved recognition as a premier accounting body not only in the country but also globally, for its contribution in the fields of education, professional development, maintenance of high accounting, auditing and ethical standards.ICAI now is the second largest accounting body in the whole world.

CSAT 2011 Syllabus

From Civil Service Examination 2011, Preliminary Examination would consist of two papers- Paper I and Paper II.

The syllabus and pattern of the Preliminary Examination would be as under :
(Paper 1) (200 marks) – Duration : Two hrs.

Current events of national and international importance
History of India and Indian national movement
Indian and World Geography- physical, social, economic geography of India and the world
Indian Polity and governance – constitution, political system, panchayati raj, public policy, Rights issues, etc.
Economic and social development – sustainable development, poverty, inclusion, demographics, social sector initiatives etc.
General issues on environmental ecology, bio-diversity and climate change-that donot require subject specialization
General science.

(Paper II) (200 marks) – Duration : Two hrs

Interpersonal skills including communication skills
Logical reasoning and analytical ability
Decision making and problem solving
General mental ability
Basic numeracy (numbers and their relations, orders of magnitude etc. (Class X level), Data interpretation (charts, graphs, tables, data sufficiency etc. –Class X level)
English language comprehension skills (Class X level)

CSAT 2011 Syllabus

From Civil Service Examination 2011, Preliminary Examination would consist of two papers- Paper I and Paper II.

The syllabus and pattern of the Preliminary Examination would be as under :
(Paper 1) (200 marks) – Duration : Two hrs.

Current events of national and international importance
History of India and Indian national movement
Indian and World Geography- physical, social, economic geography of India and the world
Indian Polity and governance – constitution, political system, panchayati raj, public policy, Rights issues, etc.
Economic and social development – sustainable development, poverty, inclusion, demographics, social sector initiatives etc.
General issues on environmental ecology, bio-diversity and climate change-that donot require subject specialization
General science.

(Paper II) (200 marks) – Duration : Two hrs

Interpersonal skills including communication skills
Logical reasoning and analytical ability
Decision making and problem solving
General mental ability
Basic numeracy (numbers and their relations, orders of magnitude etc. (Class X level), Data interpretation (charts, graphs, tables, data sufficiency etc. –Class X level)
English language comprehension skills (Class X level)

DOEACC Aurangabad Scientist Recruitment 2010

DOEACC Centre Aurangabad is looking for dynamic, devoted and result oriented candidates for the following posts :

No of Posts : 02
Pay Scale : PB3 Rs. 15600-39100+GP7600/-
Education Qualification :BE/BTech OR ME/MTech or recognised equivalent degree in the field of Electrical/Electronics/ECE/Instrumentation/Comp. Engg. or Science with minimum 60% narjs, OR Ph.D. (Engg/Comp. Sc.)
Age : 40 yrs as on 30/11/2010

No of Posts : 03
Pay Scale : PB3 Rs. 15600-39100+GP6600/-
Education Qualification :BE/BTech with minimum 65% marks OR ME/MTech or recognised equivalent degree in the field of Electrical/Electronics/ECE/Instrumentation/Comp. Engg. or Sc/Mech./Producation OR Ph.D. (Engg/Comp. Sc.)
Age : 35 yrs as on 30/11/2010

No of Posts : 06
Pay Scale : PB3 Rs. 15600-39100+GP5400/-
Education Qualification :BE/BTech with minimum 65% marks OR ME/MTech or recognised equivalent degree in the field of Electrical/Electronics/ECE/Instrumentation/Comp. Engg. or Science. The degree should be from a recognised University/Institution.
Age : 30 yrs as on 30/11/2010

Workshop Superintendent
No of Posts : 01
Pay Scale : PB3 Rs. 15600-39100+GP 5400/-
Education Qualification :: BE/BTech with minimum 65% marks OR ME/MTech/M. Design or recognized equivalent degree in Mechanical/Production. The degree should be from a recognised University/Institution.
Age : 30 yrs as on 30/11/2010

Senior Technical Assistant
No of Posts : 02
Pay Scale : PB3 Rs. 15600-39100+GP 4200/-
Education Qualification :1st Class (60%) Diploma in Electrical/Electronics/ECE/E&TC/Comp. Sc. of three years ful time duration or equivalent OR 1st Class (60%) BSc in Comp. Sc/Electronics/Opto-electronics/BCA wiht 5 yrs experience OR 1st Class (60%) MSc in Electronics/Opto-electronics/Comp. Sc./IT/ OR MCA/BE/BTech in above mentioned branches OR DOEACC ‘B’ Level
Age : 35 yrs as on 30/11/2010

No of Posts : 01
Pay Scale : PB3 Rs. 5200-20200+GP 2400/-
Education Qualification : Matriculation or equivalent possessing shorthand speed of 100/80 w.p.m. Working knowledge of Computer operation (DTP) is desirable.
Age : 27 yrs as on 30/11/2010

Junior Assistant
No of Posts : 02
Pay Scale : PB3 Rs. 5200-20200+GP 1900/-
Education Qualification : Matriculation or equivalent with typewriting speed of 40 w.p.m. in English or 30 w.p.m. in Hindi. Working knowledge of Computer operation (DTP) is desirable.
Age : 27 yrs as on 30/11/2010

Co-Ordinator(Business Promotion)
No of Posts : 01
Pay Scale : Rs.37000/-
Education Qualification : First class (60%) MBA from a recognized University/institution/PG Diploma in Management preferable after BE/BTech in Electronics/ECE/E&TC/Comp.Sc.
Age : 35 yrs as on 30/11/2010

How To Apply :

The interested & Eligible candidates may download the form and submit the application along with a crossed demand draft of Rs.100 (for SC/ST Rs.50 & No fee for PH) of a nationalized bank in favor of “Director, Doeacc Centre, Aurangabad”, Payable at Aurangabad (Maharastra). The Appliciaotn covering information must reach to the Jt. Director(Admn & Finance), DOEACC Centre, University Campus, Aurangabad (MS) – 431004 super scribing the post applied for, on or before 30th November 2010

Madhya Bharat Gramin Bank Officers and Office Assistant Recruitment Notification 2010


Officer Scale-I

No of Posts : 39
Qualification : Bachelor Degree of a recognized university in any discipline or its equivalent
Pay Scale : Rs. 14500-600/7-18700-700/2-20100-800/7-25700
Age : Above 18 years – Below 28 years.

Office Assistants
No of Posts : 72
Qualification : Bachelor Degree of a recognized university in any discipline or its equivalent.
Pay Scale : Rs. 7200-400/3-8400-500/3-9900-600/4-12300-700/7-17200- 1300/1-18500-800/1-19300.
Age :Minimum 18 years – Maximum 28 years

For both the posts Code- 1 & 2
(i) Proficiency in Hindi is essential.
(ii) Knowledge of English required
(iii) Knowledge of Computer Skills and awareness.

Written Test Dates :
OFFICER SCALE-I – GROUP-“A” : 23-01-2011

Selection Procedure : selection will be made on the basis of performance in written test and interview.

Application Fee :
Officer Scale-I : For SC/ST candidates Rs. 50/- and for others Rs. 500/-
Office Assistant : For SC/ST candidates it is Rs. 50/- and for others it is 300/-

Payment of Fee: There are two Challans available in for each category, details of which are as follows:
1. Madhya Bharat Gramin Bank-01.
2. State Bank of India – 01
1. Madhya Bharat Gramin Bank-02.
2. State Bank of India – 02

How To Apply :
All eligible candidates are required to apply online only in the prescribed Format through our website from 18-10-2010 to 18-11-2010. Please note that the last date for submission of online application is 18-11-2010. No other means/ mode of application will be accepted.

Important Dates :
LAST DATE FOR SUBMISSION OF ON LINE APPLICATION (Including Far Flung Areas) : 18-11-2010

Last Date : 18/11/2010

Central Institute of Freshwater Aquaculture CIFA Recruitment Notification 2010

Central Institute of Freshwater Aquaculture invites application for the recruitment of following posts :

Senior Research Fellow : 01 Post in DBT funded project entitled “ Development of DNA vaccine to combat Edwardsiella tarda infection in commercially important food fishes”

Pay Scale : Rs.12, 000/-+ HRA
Qualification : M.F.Sc / M.Sc (Microbiology)
Walkin-interview : On 20.10.2010 at 1100 Hrs. at CIFA, Kausalyaganga, Bhubaneswar. Candidates are requested to report by 10.00 Hrs. for verification etc.

Junior Research Felloe :
01 Post in DBT funded project entitled “First generation linkage map in Labeo rohita (rohu): A potential genomic resource for identification of trait associated genes”
Pay Scale : Rs.12, 000/-+ HRA
Qualification :M.F.Sc./ M.Sc (Biotechnology) / M.Sc. Zoology/Life Sc. with six months to one year research experience in molecular genetics.
Walkin-interview : On 27.10.2010 at 1100 Hrs. at CIFA, Kausalyaganga, Bhubaneswar. Candidates are requested to report by 10.00 Hrs. for verification etc

Senior Research Felloe : 01 Post in NBAIM project entitled “Development of a library of putative probionts from freshwater environment belonging to the group Lactic acid bacteria for application in freshwater aquaculture system” under AMAAS-B project

Pay Scale : Rs.12, 000/-+ HRA
Qualification :M.Sc (Microbiology) with knowledge in Probiotics
Walkin-interview : On 29.10.2010 at 1100 Hrs. at CIFA, Kausalyaganga, Bhubaneswar. Candidates are requested to report by 10.00 Hrs. for verification etc.

Bal Thackeray’s grandson Aditya joins Shiv Sena

Shiv Sena chief Bal Thackeray Sunday night formally anointed grandson Aditya into politics by presenting him a ceremonial sword as a crowd of over 200,000 cheered lustily.

A surprisingly robust and healthy looking Thackeray, accompanied by Aditya, arrived at the Shiv Sena Dussehra rally at the historic Shivaji Park grounds, even as his son and Sena executive president Uddhav Thackeray wound up his 45-minute-long address.

First, the three generations of the Thackeray family garlanded a statue of Chhatrapati Shivaji before Thackeray was escorted to his throne.

After the usual round of garlands, Aditya stood before him, clad in a simple blue kurta with sleeves rolled up to the elbows and dark trousers.

Thackeray handed his grandson a gleaming sword and touched his forehead, while Aditya bent and touched his feet. Thackeray also presented a bouquet of flowers to the 20-year-old.

Aditya then sought his father Udhavs blessings by touching his feet.

He then came forward on the stage, raised the sword and waved it to the cheering crowds, then bowed before the gathering and syumbolically sought their blessings.

Belying expectations, Aditya did not make a speech and the stage was left for his father and grandfather.

Flanked on his right by former leader of opposition in the state assembly Ramdas Kadam and on the left by ex-chief minister and former Lok Sabha speaker Manohar Joshi, Aditya sat throughout the two-hour function and listened attentively to the speeches of the two senior Thackerays.

In his 45-minute speech, Bal Thackeray said that Aditya had progressed in the party by his deeds and urged partymen to encourage and support him.

Vivek Oberoi Marriage with Priyanka Alva

Bollywood actor Vivek Oberoi broke the silence of the sea by making his engagement to Bangalorean girl Priyanka Alva public. Once again, he has put an end to all the speculations on his wedding date by revealing it to the media.

Vivek Oberoi revealed that he would tie the knot with Priyanka in Bangalore on October 29. He said that he was always open to arranged marriage.

Vivek Oberoi has learned a lot about his wife-to-be. He said that she is like his mother. He added that she is a private person, a beautiful mix of traditional values and modern thinking. He went on to say that they connected instantly.

Priyanka, daughter of renowned dancer Nandini and late politician Jeevaraj Alva, is has completed a course in Financial Management graduate from New York University. She does fundraising for non-profit organisations and helps her mother at the Artistes Foundation for Arts in Bangalore. After marriage, she will help her hubby in his work for the Cancer Patients Aid Association and their school in Vrindavan.

Abhinav Kohli Girlfriend is Shweta Tiwari's

According to an article published in Mumbai Mirror regarding forced entry of Raja Chaudhary in Shweta Tiwari's home, it stated Abhinav Kohli as Shweta's boyfriend.

On Saturday October 16th afternoon when Shweta Tiwari's estranged husband, Raja Chaudhary tried forced entry into her Malad's house trying to see his daughter Palak, Shweta's mother called her boyfriend Abhinav Kohli. Abhinav accompanied her mother to the police station to lodge a complaint against the Bigg Boss Season 2 runner up, Raja Chaudhary.

Shweta Tiwari worked with Abhinav Kohli in the popular show 'Jaane Kya Baat Hui', and it was on the sets of the show that they came close to each other.Both are in relationship for more than one and half years

KBC 4 Questions of October 14 Episode 4

KBC 4 Questions - Geetika Pandey - October 14 Episode 4

Geetika Pandey from Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh wanted to earn atleast Rs 10 Lakh from the show so that she can buy a house in Delhi. She was accompanied by her husband Pranjal Pandey.

When Akankshi Singh Paihar take home Rs 3.2 Lakhs from Kaun Banega Crorepati 4 (KBC 4) in episode 04 on October 14th, the remaining six contestants of the first week had to go for fastest finger first. The question was:

Fastest Finger First Question: Arrange these names in increasing order of the numbers represented in them.
A. Chaturanan
B. Panchanan
C. Dashabahu
D. Ekanga

The correct order is:
D. Ekanga
A. Chaturanan
B. Panchanan
C. Dashabahu

Except one all gave the right answer but the one with fastest finger was Geetika Pandey who did it in 3.828 seconds.

Question 1: Which of these is worn in waist?
A. Bichhua
B. Laung
C. Nath
D. Tagdi

Answer: Tagdi
Geetika locked option D and won Rs 5,000.

Question 2: Which of these roles does Salman Khan play in the film 'Partner'?
A. Tech Guru
B. Palmist
C. Love Guru
D. Career Counseller

Answer: Love Guru
Geetika Pandey locked option C and won Rs 10,000 with it.

Question 3: Which of these vegetables is also called 'Vilaayati Baingan'?
A. Apple Gourd
B. Onion
C. Drumstick
D. Tomato

Answer: Tomato
Geetika used audience poll and then locked D.She won Rs 20,000.

Question 4: Which of these town hosted the Kumbh Mela in 2010?
A. Nasik
B. Allahabad
C. Ujjain
D. Hardwar

Answer: Haridwar

Geetika used her lifeline - Phone-a-friend and called her father-in-law G.K. Pandey and locked the option D and thus won Rs 40,000.

Question 5: What is the name of the character giving this speech?
(A audio clip from 3 Idiots)
A. Ranchi
B. Virus
C. Chatur
D. Milimeter

Answer: Chatur
Without sparing a single moment, Geetika Pandey locked option C and won Rs 40,000

Question 6: Which of these is a name of a finger on your hand?
A. Avantika
B. Ananya
C. Anamika
D. Aditi

Answer: Anamika
Geetika gave a strong reply by locking up option C thus winning Rs 1,60,000.

Question 7: Painter M.F. Hussain accepted the citizenship of which country in 2010?
A. Oman
B. Qatar
D. Bahrain

Answer: Qatar
She took her time and then confidently locked option B. She won Rs 3,20,000

OGeetika used lifelline - Expert's Advice. Charu Sharma thought its option B, so Geetika locked it and won Rs 6,40,000.

Question 9: Which of these women has not partnered Leander Paes winning Mixed Doubles titles at Grand Slam tennis?
A. Martina Navratilova
B. Cara Black
C. Lisa Raymond
D. Rika Hiraki

Answer: Rika Hiraki
She used life line - Double Dip and locked option C which was a wrong answer, then she locked option D which was a right answer. Thus she won Rs 12.5 Lakhs

Question10: What is the meaning of the Arabic word 'suf' from which the team 'Sufi' is obtained?
A. Wood
B. Worship
C. Work
D. Wool

Answer: Wool

Geetika Pandey locked the option C which was a wrong answer. The all she is left with is Rs 3.2 Lakhs, looks like her dream of buying a house seems shattered.

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